Okay, here I am back again this week to continue my essay about LRRH and going to war. Let’s begin by looking at where my reference to tribulation comes from. It’s found in the Holy Scripture, John 16:33 “These things I have spoken unto you that in Me you might have peace. In the world you shall have tribulation but be of good cheer. I have overcome the world.
When you have peace you have confidence, but you may have to fight for your peace as I said in my previous post. It’s not going to be a physical fight, but a mental and spiritual one. So, if you have to go to war, you need to know how beforehand, so that you're prepared. You want to be i the best possible place, spiritually, mentally, and physically. This way you can outlast your opponent.
To begin your preparation you want to first be aware of what might happen. That’s why I used the LRRH as an analogy, so that you can access your vulnerabilities and determine why you might be a little off guard when negative things pop up. Maybe you haven’t been conditioned to be tough, instead you’ve been socialized to be soft and tender. That’s good, but at the right time and in the right places with the right people. So, whatever you do when things get crazy, don’t panic. Panic is groundless fear that leads to anger. It can cause you to become emotional and do things that aren’t complimentary to what you are trying to achieve.
Instead, realize who you are and that you have all the power you need within you. When conflict comes up ask yourself if you’re in the right place. Am I doing what I’m supposed to be doing? Or, does my opponent have a point? You will not always be doing everything right, that’s normal, because you’re not perfect. That’s why the adversary can come after you. But if you’re taking the appropriate inventory of your self everyday, when difficulty comes up, you’ll be in a good position to resolve your inadequacies.
The next question for you may be, "Should I fight to resolve this conflict when I know I’m not 100% what I should be?" In most instances, you won’t have the luxury to choose if you fight or not, but if you do, take a step back and get yourself together. You should already know where your inadequacies lie, so take the steps necessary to resolve them as best you can. And don’t forget, it’s okay to admit when you’re wrong, and correct yourself with your opponent. Don’t ever be too proud to apologize and get things right.
The thing is that you may not always be able to apologize and get in good standing with your opponent. If that’s the case you have to recognize that you’re in a war. Tisk’, tisk’, tisk’, yes I said, a war.
Ladies, wars can go on for years. That’s why those who are the strongest and better equipped survive, and those who have the right backup, win. The thing is that both you and your opponent may be right from each of your perspectives. If that’s the case, the conflict maybe resolved in both your favors, and you still would have gone through a war to get to that point. Oh yeah!
So, during the war, what you want is backup, and the right backup. Not, me, not Oprah, not some author of some self help book. If you’re a Christian, you need God, His Word, and the Holy Spirit, to back you up. If you’re not Christian, I don’t know what to tell you, other than reach out to Him and become one with Him now.
So, in order to have God as your backup you have to be in right standing with Him. That just means that you acknowledge Him in all that you do. Not, that you have to be perfect, but that you strive to do His Will, because none of us are perfect. But, with God on your side, you have to be convinced to fight a clean fight to keep Him there. You cannot lie, cheat, or steal, and expect God to back you up, so keep a clean house and fight a clean fight even if you know your opponent is not. What they do is not your business.
Once you’ve realized that you cannot do this without God, then you have to get down on your knees, (that’s if you haven’t been all along) and ask Him what He wants you to do. If what you’re fighting for is righteous, then He wants you to stand and go through the battle. Don’t worry He’ll be with you as stated in the aforementioned scripture. He will let you know if He wants you to fight and He may even ask you to fight. Remember, whatever He asks you to do, DO IT! He’s trying to get something better to you, so what you have to give up is peanuts compared to what He’s got in store for you.
So, now that you know your direction, it’s okay if you don’t know every road its path is going to take. That's why you have to stay prayed up. You’re going to need to hear from God to know which way to go. Be prepared for a lot of pain along the way, especially in the beginning. Hang on because it gets better as you get better because you have God, remember.
Anyway, throughout the war things you never saw coming will easily be an issue. You will have to know what your focus is going in, so that you don’t get distracted by other things that ultimately cause you to give up. Know what it is that God wants you to accomplish. It may not be crystal clear at first, but know His voice and let Him guide you. If you can honestly say that you believe you will receive what it is that you’re asking for, then you’re on the right path, because no one is going to believe in your dream like you do. NO ONE Yes people will be with you for a time but as things get more and more difficult, they will have to be honest with themselves and you, that this not their fight, but yours. Don’t hold it against them, by then you should be strong enough to stand alone with God.
Okay so now you’ve identified your inadequacies and you’re in the process of eliminating them, because you’ve taken inventory of yourself and your circumstances. You’ve prayed and you know God wants you to fight for what’s right. And you know what you want out of the fight. The only other thing I can think of is the issue of day-to-day combat.
In combat, again you will get hurt. Yes, emotionally hurt, bruised, beat-up and all of that. Remember in the fairytale how LRRH fought her way to the hunter who eventually killed the wolf? Well, she got some bruises from that. However, you must remember, your opponent doesn’t care about you. You may have thought they would, you may think they should because you would, but they’re not you. And I see so many women/people get hung up on this because they don’t realize that their opponent is not them and they are motivated by other things.
This may take some time for you to get, but its okay, its okay. The main thing here is not to act on emotion. Remember when I was telling you about AV and how the woman jumped on her children’s father’s truck to do damage? Well that was an emotional move that cost her, not him. Don’t make any emotional moves. Although I say that, I know that most people do. Hopefully, yours will be minor and early enough in the war that it won’t cost you too much.
This is why in combat, you’re going to need someone that can be your 'sergeant at arms'. someone who can be there for you. This can be a little tricky because you have to pick someone who is definitely outside the box, a person who can be neutral when things get out of hand, because they will. This person needs to have good character. They should be someone who has had their share of wars themselves. More likely than not, they’re going to feel a little obligated to help you, maybe because no one was there to help them, but don’t be inconsiderate. Listen to them, which may be hard because you’re probably going to be in 'emotional mode', and you'll need to transfer to warrior mode, but give them a chance because you need them and they’re only going to be around for a little while, just to see that you get all this.
A sergeant at arms will be there to help you in situations when you have to respond to what is happening to you and you aren't able to. You'll want to answer the call, "right now", but don't. Take the time to hear your sergeant so that you don't act on emotion.
For example, maybe you’ve experienced an airstrike recently and it looks like they’ve wounded all your men/defenses, don’t do anything. Take some time to access the situation/damage otherwise you’ll be acting on emotion and we already know that’s not good. Write what you want to say but don’t send it. Have your sergeant read it and play devils advocate. Line up your defense strategy again realigning things so that they make better sense, then play it out to your sergeant and see what they have to say about it.
Taking time is always good because it makes your opponent think they’ve won, that you're defeated. No way, you’re just building ammunition for the next round. Where you were weak, you’re now building a better defense because they’re going to come after you in that same place to try and take you out. When they come you want to be ready. If you jump and tell them what you think, more times than not, you’re going to tip you hand and they’re going to try some other maneuver you’re not prepared for. So, take time out to build up your defense and hit them where it hurts, and divert their attention away from your weakness.
Well, I hope I’ve given you some food for thought. Remember, this is just one person’s opinion, mine, take it and make it work for you. In the meantime, may you continue to realize God’s blessings so that He continues to keep you just as He’s promised.
This post has been syndicated and copyrighted.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
Saturday, January 9, 2010
While I’m having technical difficulties, (my next two featured guests have been delayed) let’s take a look at this Grimm's fairy tale. Maybe we can see how it relates to women.
Remember, Little Red Riding Hood, (LRRH) was going to see her grandmother. I don’t know where her mother was maybe she was sick and had to send LRRH to her mom’s, but anyway. She had to go through the forest. The WHAT? Yes, the forest. Pump the brakes a minute. Did you say that a little girl was gong to have to go through the forest, alone, to her grandmother’s house? Yes, that’s what I said.
Well, okay so let’s look at the forest. During the summer, the forest is lush and green, in the winter, it’s cold and bare, much like the elements of the real world. You can not see through the forest to the other side, and that’s a major problem. If you manage to see some distance it’s distorted by all the trees. To get through it you have to rely on your instincts, unless you come prepared with a compass.
Like the world, the forest is not always a safe place. There are animals, some of which are afraid of you and some that are not. Those that aren’t will challenge you, for example, the wolves, badgers, bobcats and the like. Because LRRH had on bright red, she was automatically a target like many women are today. For a little girl, this is not the place you want to be, but there she was headed to her grandmother’s house. A utopia where she would find love, peace, and contentment, again much like what most women want.
Further in the story we see that LRRH meets up with a wolf on the way to Granny’s. The wolf tries to talk her into all sorts of things, but LRRH is strong in her spot. She refuses because she knows that better things are waiting at Granny’s. When she gets to her grandmother’s house, who she thinks is Granny is not, it’s the wolf who meets her at the door. Immediately, she senses something is wrong with her grandmother.
Now, Oprah calls this the 'pebble moment', that thing that ultimately grows into a stone, then a brick, then a boulder before you see it for what it is, and it smaps' you in the head/heart. I like to think of it as a Red Flag, an audit term. The flag comes up real quick, and then it’s gone. Until you resolve the issue the flag will keep popping up until it doesn’t go down at all, and remains there until it’s resolved. By the time it’s obvious to everyone a violation has occurred and people start going to jail and paying back money.
In either case, this is the moment most women ignore and what I want to focus you on, but first I’ll finish the story.
LRRH asks Granny several questions which shows that she has a deeply rooted insecurity about herself and her decision making ability. She doesn’t trust her instincts. She doesn’t believe herself and she continues to turn and ask the very one she’s doubtful about if they are really who they say they are. Typical of most women, “Are you lying to me?” Are you cheating?” And of course, they continue to tell her what she wants to hear.
To top it all off, with this doubt and uncertainty abounding for LRRH she SITS down with the questionable character, and sups with him, the ultimate disregard of self and reality. A trait I parallel with female victims of HIV and AID’s who are sometimes victims of men on the “Down Low.”
In any case, I wanted to break this fable down for you to show you that as women we have to learn just who we are so that we are aware of our vulnerabilities.
Generally speaking, most women are innately emotional beings. We see that confirmed in the article by the doctor in my previous post.
On top of that, I feel as black women we have to be particularly careful because we are so grounded spirituality by the church. We learn very early in life that we should be nice, good girls, helpers, doers, and all that goes with that. By the time we are women we want to exude this deep spiritual persona that, “…when you see me, you see a kind, warm hearted spirit…” which is nice, don’t get me wrong, but it can help to lull the average girl into believing that everyone is going to perceive that in her and honor it, and that’s where the problems come in, because most of the world won’t.
Most women aren’t able to balance their feeling of helping and serving with the reality that there are wolves out here ready and willing to devour them. Most women are caught off guard when conflict arises and its ugly head is right in their face. Most women are taken aback by the mere unmitigated gall of being disrespected and disregarded.
For example, in a previous blog post I talked about fear and how anger is often the direct result of fear. Well, that’s true and the reaction we often see and hear from women who are confronted with some kind of injustice is their loud combative response, often coupled with a gyrating neck and an attitude, that comes out at the wrong time and place. And that's because most women can not believe what is happening to them. I know I couldn’t. I didn’t think I would have to fight for my job or anything else at the level I did. I thought all I had to do was be good, and I would succeed. I was conditioned that way. I thought I needed to get my education, do well in school, learn a lot of course, and the rest would take care of it self. HA!
When I initially posted this blog and told women about it, one lady said, “Oh yeah, I’ll check it out, but none of my friends and I are anything like that.” I said ok, but I wanted to say YET. This is all about the FIGHT. When and what will you fight for, ladies?
When I was contemplating writing to you about LRRH, I happened to watch a film called American Violet. AV is based on a real story about a woman who was falsely arrested for selling drugs. She was a good mother, and a hard worker who just happened to be impoverished. Girlfriend started out nice and refined, but as time went on and things started breaking down because she was in jail, remember through no fault of her own, she began to lose it.
The focus on when she lost it is key to me. She didn’t lose it when her boss had to fire her. She didn’t lose it when she couldn’t fix herself up because she was in jail. No, she lost it when she learned that her mother released her children to their father, because the father had a girl friend that had been either accused of, or convicted as a sex offender. When the father wouldn’t release the children to her and/or her mother, that’s when girlfriend lost it. She climbed up on his truck and showed out.
Now, don’t think I’m advocating physical violence, but what I want you to see is that the average woman, given the right set of circumstances will fight. And who knows what she might do if she’s not prepared.
And that’s okay because guess what? God wants us to fight. He wants warriors. When He said put on the whole armor of God, He didn’t restrict that to men, women were included too.
There are of course different variations of concerns. They differ from individual to individual, and circumstance to circumstance, but no matter how you slice it, you will fight. If you have any passion in you at all, you’re going to be put to the test. The question is, will you sink or swim.
There’s not going to be any time for you to worry about running your favorite Wolford’s in the process. You’re not going to be able to do lot’s of easy things like curse, or pull a gun, or break a cars windows, no none of that. But will you be ready if your heart has been broken, your good name tarnished? I could go on and on. Will you be ready to go to war? The thing is will you know how.
Click on next week when I give you a few pointers on how to fight and win the war, because in life there will be tribulation.
This post is syndicated and copyrighted.
Remember, Little Red Riding Hood, (LRRH) was going to see her grandmother. I don’t know where her mother was maybe she was sick and had to send LRRH to her mom’s, but anyway. She had to go through the forest. The WHAT? Yes, the forest. Pump the brakes a minute. Did you say that a little girl was gong to have to go through the forest, alone, to her grandmother’s house? Yes, that’s what I said.
Well, okay so let’s look at the forest. During the summer, the forest is lush and green, in the winter, it’s cold and bare, much like the elements of the real world. You can not see through the forest to the other side, and that’s a major problem. If you manage to see some distance it’s distorted by all the trees. To get through it you have to rely on your instincts, unless you come prepared with a compass.
Like the world, the forest is not always a safe place. There are animals, some of which are afraid of you and some that are not. Those that aren’t will challenge you, for example, the wolves, badgers, bobcats and the like. Because LRRH had on bright red, she was automatically a target like many women are today. For a little girl, this is not the place you want to be, but there she was headed to her grandmother’s house. A utopia where she would find love, peace, and contentment, again much like what most women want.
Further in the story we see that LRRH meets up with a wolf on the way to Granny’s. The wolf tries to talk her into all sorts of things, but LRRH is strong in her spot. She refuses because she knows that better things are waiting at Granny’s. When she gets to her grandmother’s house, who she thinks is Granny is not, it’s the wolf who meets her at the door. Immediately, she senses something is wrong with her grandmother.
Now, Oprah calls this the 'pebble moment', that thing that ultimately grows into a stone, then a brick, then a boulder before you see it for what it is, and it smaps' you in the head/heart. I like to think of it as a Red Flag, an audit term. The flag comes up real quick, and then it’s gone. Until you resolve the issue the flag will keep popping up until it doesn’t go down at all, and remains there until it’s resolved. By the time it’s obvious to everyone a violation has occurred and people start going to jail and paying back money.
In either case, this is the moment most women ignore and what I want to focus you on, but first I’ll finish the story.
LRRH asks Granny several questions which shows that she has a deeply rooted insecurity about herself and her decision making ability. She doesn’t trust her instincts. She doesn’t believe herself and she continues to turn and ask the very one she’s doubtful about if they are really who they say they are. Typical of most women, “Are you lying to me?” Are you cheating?” And of course, they continue to tell her what she wants to hear.
To top it all off, with this doubt and uncertainty abounding for LRRH she SITS down with the questionable character, and sups with him, the ultimate disregard of self and reality. A trait I parallel with female victims of HIV and AID’s who are sometimes victims of men on the “Down Low.”
In any case, I wanted to break this fable down for you to show you that as women we have to learn just who we are so that we are aware of our vulnerabilities.
Generally speaking, most women are innately emotional beings. We see that confirmed in the article by the doctor in my previous post.
On top of that, I feel as black women we have to be particularly careful because we are so grounded spirituality by the church. We learn very early in life that we should be nice, good girls, helpers, doers, and all that goes with that. By the time we are women we want to exude this deep spiritual persona that, “…when you see me, you see a kind, warm hearted spirit…” which is nice, don’t get me wrong, but it can help to lull the average girl into believing that everyone is going to perceive that in her and honor it, and that’s where the problems come in, because most of the world won’t.
Most women aren’t able to balance their feeling of helping and serving with the reality that there are wolves out here ready and willing to devour them. Most women are caught off guard when conflict arises and its ugly head is right in their face. Most women are taken aback by the mere unmitigated gall of being disrespected and disregarded.
For example, in a previous blog post I talked about fear and how anger is often the direct result of fear. Well, that’s true and the reaction we often see and hear from women who are confronted with some kind of injustice is their loud combative response, often coupled with a gyrating neck and an attitude, that comes out at the wrong time and place. And that's because most women can not believe what is happening to them. I know I couldn’t. I didn’t think I would have to fight for my job or anything else at the level I did. I thought all I had to do was be good, and I would succeed. I was conditioned that way. I thought I needed to get my education, do well in school, learn a lot of course, and the rest would take care of it self. HA!
When I initially posted this blog and told women about it, one lady said, “Oh yeah, I’ll check it out, but none of my friends and I are anything like that.” I said ok, but I wanted to say YET. This is all about the FIGHT. When and what will you fight for, ladies?
When I was contemplating writing to you about LRRH, I happened to watch a film called American Violet. AV is based on a real story about a woman who was falsely arrested for selling drugs. She was a good mother, and a hard worker who just happened to be impoverished. Girlfriend started out nice and refined, but as time went on and things started breaking down because she was in jail, remember through no fault of her own, she began to lose it.
The focus on when she lost it is key to me. She didn’t lose it when her boss had to fire her. She didn’t lose it when she couldn’t fix herself up because she was in jail. No, she lost it when she learned that her mother released her children to their father, because the father had a girl friend that had been either accused of, or convicted as a sex offender. When the father wouldn’t release the children to her and/or her mother, that’s when girlfriend lost it. She climbed up on his truck and showed out.
Now, don’t think I’m advocating physical violence, but what I want you to see is that the average woman, given the right set of circumstances will fight. And who knows what she might do if she’s not prepared.
And that’s okay because guess what? God wants us to fight. He wants warriors. When He said put on the whole armor of God, He didn’t restrict that to men, women were included too.
There are of course different variations of concerns. They differ from individual to individual, and circumstance to circumstance, but no matter how you slice it, you will fight. If you have any passion in you at all, you’re going to be put to the test. The question is, will you sink or swim.
There’s not going to be any time for you to worry about running your favorite Wolford’s in the process. You’re not going to be able to do lot’s of easy things like curse, or pull a gun, or break a cars windows, no none of that. But will you be ready if your heart has been broken, your good name tarnished? I could go on and on. Will you be ready to go to war? The thing is will you know how.
Click on next week when I give you a few pointers on how to fight and win the war, because in life there will be tribulation.
This post is syndicated and copyrighted.
Sunday, January 3, 2010
Today begins the New Year, 2010 and things don’t just happen. We see that when we look at Jeremiah 29:11 …For I know the thoughts and the plans that I have for you, says the Lord. Thoughts and plans for welfare and peace and not for evil. In this scripture God is telling us He has a set plan for our lives. A plan to help guide us to the fulfillment that He created for us. In order for us to follow the path God has set for us we have to reach out to Him with diligent faith.
As we embark on the New Year, the inference is automatically one of change. Most people look at this as a time to do things they have not been accustom to doing and that’s good, but do you know what you should be changing? We see and hear silly things like organizing closets, cleaning houses, and washing clothes, as if these tasks were somehow only done once a year. That’s silly because we know we have to stay organized and clean year round.
So what type of change should we be focusing on? Changing our thinking is the real change because change comes from within, through our thought process. But what do we change our thinking to? That’s when we realize that by following Biblical principals we change our way of thinking to what God intends for our lives and by doing that we make a difference within ourselves.
Change usually comes reluctantly for most people. We don’t want it. We’re so caught up in what we’ve been doing or thinking that it’s often difficult to switch. And that’s not good because usually the awareness of change is due to some detriment already in motion, some pain that we have created for ourselves. And that is most certainly, the worst pain.
This is why I selected my featured guest this week. She is truly a pioneer of change. Her name is Nicole Newman. She is the president and CEO of Newman Networks, www.newnetwork.com. Newman Networks designs and maintains websites and has a networking program set up for minority owned businesses in the Philadelphia area.
Ms. Newman also writes for The Philadelphia Business Technology Examiner. Her most recent article is Innovation As The New Economy For 2010 and can be found at, http://www.examiner.com/x-13481-Philadelphia-Business-Technology-Examiner~y2009m12d31-Innovation-as-the-new-economy-for-2010.
Ms. Newman is also in the process of writing her memoirs, Product Of My Environment, where she discusses her childhood and growing up and how it is that she became the entrepreneur that she is today. She says, “Change has been and always will be apart of my life. Growing up I thought my family (mom and me) were the Jefferson’s - We were always moving on up. By the time I was 16 we had lived in at least 8 different apartments throughout the city. I stopped attending the neighborhood school in the 4th grade! Mom and I had mapped out college plans when I was 4 years old. Even then, I had a sense of wanting to learn because learning is evolving. I want to evolve into a kinder, gentler Nicole who attracts successful people and can network to bring prosperity to my community. That is the dream I pursue and as I reach that level, the dream becomes bigger, which means I must evolve again...
When I worked in corporate America, I had the pinnacle of a career - a job at world renowned Deloitte Touché Tomatsu, a well respected global accounting firm. But still I was not happy. It was a great experience but now I have found my true calling in becoming an AGENT of CHANGE! The world is going through very fast technology shifts and I must be on top of the curve to show others how to navigate... Wow, Life is good!”
As we can see, Ms. Newman didn’t let changing preclude her from doing what she needed to do? No. She forged ahead and learned to take each move in stride to make all the twists and turns she needed to follow the path God had set for her. Now, she has her own company and the focus is on helping others. She wouldn’t be able to do that unless she spent time on herself.
That’s what we want to encourage you all to do this year. Find and follow the path God has set for you so that you can live an abundant life. No matter what the change may be, if God is asking you to do it, do it. He has so many greater things in mind for you.
You can connect with and read more about Ms. Newman from the following websites,
http://www.facebook.com/nickynewman, http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolenewman, http://www.meetup.com/enterprisingwomensalliance.
Thank you and may God continue to bless and guide you in the days to come.
As we embark on the New Year, the inference is automatically one of change. Most people look at this as a time to do things they have not been accustom to doing and that’s good, but do you know what you should be changing? We see and hear silly things like organizing closets, cleaning houses, and washing clothes, as if these tasks were somehow only done once a year. That’s silly because we know we have to stay organized and clean year round.
So what type of change should we be focusing on? Changing our thinking is the real change because change comes from within, through our thought process. But what do we change our thinking to? That’s when we realize that by following Biblical principals we change our way of thinking to what God intends for our lives and by doing that we make a difference within ourselves.
Change usually comes reluctantly for most people. We don’t want it. We’re so caught up in what we’ve been doing or thinking that it’s often difficult to switch. And that’s not good because usually the awareness of change is due to some detriment already in motion, some pain that we have created for ourselves. And that is most certainly, the worst pain.
This is why I selected my featured guest this week. She is truly a pioneer of change. Her name is Nicole Newman. She is the president and CEO of Newman Networks, www.newnetwork.com. Newman Networks designs and maintains websites and has a networking program set up for minority owned businesses in the Philadelphia area.
Ms. Newman also writes for The Philadelphia Business Technology Examiner. Her most recent article is Innovation As The New Economy For 2010 and can be found at, http://www.examiner.com/x-13481-Philadelphia-Business-Technology-Examiner~y2009m12d31-Innovation-as-the-new-economy-for-2010.
Ms. Newman is also in the process of writing her memoirs, Product Of My Environment, where she discusses her childhood and growing up and how it is that she became the entrepreneur that she is today. She says, “Change has been and always will be apart of my life. Growing up I thought my family (mom and me) were the Jefferson’s - We were always moving on up. By the time I was 16 we had lived in at least 8 different apartments throughout the city. I stopped attending the neighborhood school in the 4th grade! Mom and I had mapped out college plans when I was 4 years old. Even then, I had a sense of wanting to learn because learning is evolving. I want to evolve into a kinder, gentler Nicole who attracts successful people and can network to bring prosperity to my community. That is the dream I pursue and as I reach that level, the dream becomes bigger, which means I must evolve again...
When I worked in corporate America, I had the pinnacle of a career - a job at world renowned Deloitte Touché Tomatsu, a well respected global accounting firm. But still I was not happy. It was a great experience but now I have found my true calling in becoming an AGENT of CHANGE! The world is going through very fast technology shifts and I must be on top of the curve to show others how to navigate... Wow, Life is good!”
As we can see, Ms. Newman didn’t let changing preclude her from doing what she needed to do? No. She forged ahead and learned to take each move in stride to make all the twists and turns she needed to follow the path God had set for her. Now, she has her own company and the focus is on helping others. She wouldn’t be able to do that unless she spent time on herself.
That’s what we want to encourage you all to do this year. Find and follow the path God has set for you so that you can live an abundant life. No matter what the change may be, if God is asking you to do it, do it. He has so many greater things in mind for you.
You can connect with and read more about Ms. Newman from the following websites,
http://www.facebook.com/nickynewman, http://www.linkedin.com/in/nicolenewman, http://www.meetup.com/enterprisingwomensalliance.
Thank you and may God continue to bless and guide you in the days to come.
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